Pot Sherds (2901, 5106, 5846, 1647).

Dublin Core


Pot Sherds (2901, 5106, 5846, 1647).


Ceramics from Pentucket Lake Site. 150 sherds in all, each numbered 1901. Probably from the same area, maybe from the same vessel. These are undecorated.
There are many ceramic sherds in the collection, most very small. Pot sherds provide information for archeologists in determining a date for a site. At first glance, these small sherds do not look very important. However, variations in the thickness, "temper", color, and decorations give important clues about the probable age of the sherds, and therefore the age of the site. If the archeologist is very patient (and enjoys jigsaw puzzles), an entire vessel might be reconstructed.


Pot sherds (rim) - 2901 square crop.jpg
Pot sherds - 5106 with number square crop.jpg
Pot sherds - 5846 with number square crop.jpg
Rim pot sherds - 1647 with numbers square crop.jpg


“Pot Sherds (2901, 5106, 5846, 1647).,” Frederick A. Luce Collection at the Buttonwoods Museum, accessed May 1, 2024, https://lucecollection.omeka.net/items/show/24.